What is SetPath?
It’s a proven, Life Planning tool that combined with free one-on-one mentorship, helps young adults successfully navigate their way into the world.
We support and enable you to bring your future into focus, prioritize your time, and manifest your dreams. With a Life Plan in place and a mentor by your side, you can feel more confident that the energy you spend is well spent on yourself and the people that matter most.
Digital First & Human Always
The SetPath web app is designed for use with a mentor. Build, implement, and maintain your Life Plan together.
The SetPath web app leads you through a series of thought-starters and questions designed to explore all aspects of your life, prioritize them, and commit to them appropriately.
Our Mentorship Program puts you in touch with someone who’s trained to help you make sense of things and provide encouragement towards the completion and implementation of your life plan. Both the app and your mentor (whom we call a Guide) are available to you for free. If you already have a mentor, they can also be your SetPath Guide. We’ll train them – free!
Free? How can that be?
It’s true, SetPath is funded by generous donors and corporate partners. You’ll never encounter a pop-up ad or find us trying to sell you things. It’s worth it, too. At SetPath, we believe in serving and encouraging young adults so that they discover hope, purpose, and direction for their future. Young adults who thrive and embody their truth will ensure a bright future for the entire planet.

Life Accounts
We call the areas of your life that we’ll explore in your Life Plan “Life Accounts.” There are nine of them, and each one needs to be considered both separately and in relation to one another.
What do you want from an education? What kind do you need, and where and how do you want to get it?
How does family fit into your plan? What do you need and want to bring to your family?
Are your friendships building you up or tearing you down? Do you have enough friends? Too many? How can you improve your friendships and what do you want to gain from them?
Are you hoping for a career? Already have one? What kind of work do you want to do, and why? What are you willing to do to start and build that career?
How do you like to spend your free time? What does that time do for you, both in the moment and in your life? How does it fit within a purposeful plan?
What does a healthy life look like to you? Are you living one? Why or why not? What does good physical and mental health make possible for you?
How big of a role does money play in your life? Are you prioritizing it over other aspects of your life? Which ones, and why?
Do you consider yourself a spiritual person? How so, or why not? How does your spirituality or lack of it affect the rest of your life, and does it fit into your life plan?
Are you more than friends with someone? How does that relationship differ from your friendships? How and why do you prioritize it, and what do you hope comes of it?
Planners Say
"My Guide has been so helpful at a crucial time in my life. I am grateful for her wisdom and positivity. It is good to know I don’t have to have all the answers right now. I can move toward the future I envision, one step at a time."
Bella, 19
Love the app!
“Learning more about healthy relationships has helped me develop a sense of purpose. Having a Guide who pours hope and encouragement into me has been essential in this season of my life.”
Luke, 24
“SetPath has been a pivotal step in my life as a young adult. It has brought direction and excitement to my life. My Guide has helped me to trust my gut, have high hopes for my life, and go for what I want!”
Maddie, 23
Clarity and direction
“SetPath has brought me so much clarity and direction towards not only the goals I have right now, but also for my future. It reminded me of my purpose and zeal for life!”
Matea, 19
Wise and caring
“My Guide is not only wise and caring, but also just a fun guy! Meeting with him to review my life plan every week has been wonderful.”
Ashton, 20
Building relationships
“The best part of SetPath was definitely building a relationship with my Guide! It was really amazing to talk with her every week. I definitely would not have gotten nearly as much out of the program if it was just a website without any personal interaction.”
Alisandra, 27
“SetPath came to me when I really needed it. Meeting regularly with my Guide provided motivation to reflect and work on my goals, which I could record and review in an easy-to-access place. I strongly recommend SetPath to anyone from their teens to late 20’s seeking direction and purpose!”
Landon, 26
Makes a big difference
“I can't express how much hope My Guide has poured into my life. She can see potential that I don't see in myself. With her help, I already achieved one of my goals, which brought a big change to my life. Her ability to really see people makes a big difference.”